Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2 years later

I've become a woman.

i've gotten pregnant. i've had to make a decision. i've moved past that point in my life. I am not helpless.....

i think i was more something back when i wrote on this. I should change the name to i am not me.

theres no time to think of the past.

I HAVE FUCKING SCABIES!!!! mother fucker. i fucking hate these things. if theres something i really feel strongly about anymore its about these little fuckers. they itch sooooo bad.

I don't know wat to write as usual so as usual i'll probably write a fucking essay about nonsense. maybe i'll do so later. for now i have to do my reading for science and stress over everthing thats due and how i don't have enough time instead of actually doing it. yay


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